Industrial Rolling Ladder - EZY Tread B08032HKD | EGA Products

Industrial Rolling Ladders – Knocked Down – EZY Tread

EGA # B08032HKD
Freight Class150-300
FOB: WI 53005Y
FOB: NC 28115Y
Weight (Lbs.)174
Overall W x L x H38x56x112
Tread Widths30"
Top Step Height80"
# Of Steps8

Reaching 80″ above the ground, this 8 step rolling ladder features slightly wider 30″ steps. Items made with perforated EZY Tread ® are designed to provide just enough grip to lock the foot in place, while still allowing the autonomy to work freely.

EZY Tread won’t wear down like the competition’s imported rubber-like material, and it performs well in concert with a multitude of work footwear.

At EGA Products, hiring the best welders, machinists, and skilled tradesmen has paid off. In a world dominated by importers, EGA has held its own because it doubled down on a strategy to offer completely American Made material handling goods. Why? It matters to EGA, and it matters even more to their customers.

Customers of EGA know they’re buying handcrafted goods they can count on, because at EGA having an eye for craftsmanship is why we’re still here today.

All EGA rolling ladders meet or exceed OSHA standards.

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