Industrial Rolling Ladders - EZY Tread B02020HSU | EGA Products

Industrial Rolling Ladders – Set Up – EZY Tread

EGA # B02020HSU
Freight Class300
# Of Steps2
Top Step Height20"
Tread Widths16"
Overall W x L x H21x19x44
Weight (Lbs.)29
FOB: NC 28115Y
FOB: WI 53005Y

EGA’s American made rolling ladder model B02020HSU, features 16″ wide steps and an overall rise of 20″ off the ground. This ladder is engineered to reach all of the things that are stored just beyond a worker’s finger tips.

EZY Tread is a cost-effective, non-slip, safety tread pattern. These steel steps provide adequate traction and meet all OSHA standards for tread grip. The treads are designed for both indoor and outdoor use and hold up well to consistent traffic.

EGA Products makes all of the rolling ladders and step stools in their catalog in two places – North Carolina and Wisconsin. EGA has remained steadfast in its commitment to American craftsmanship. It goes beyond the balance sheet to provide the best products to loyal customers who deserve nothing less.

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