Industrial Rolling Ladders - Grip Strut G06020HSU | EGA Products

Industrial Rolling Ladders – Set Up – Grip Strut

EGA # G06020HSU
FOB: WI 53005Y
Freight Class150-300
FOB: NC 28115Y
Weight (Lbs.)80
Overall W x L x H23x44x90
Tread Widths16"
Top Step Height60"
# Of Steps6

EGA’s American made rolling ladder model G06020HSU, features 16″ wide steps and an overall rise of 60″ off the ground.

EGA makes their rolling ladders in the USA because it makes sense for their customers. Customers need access equipment that gets them the height they need to do work, while also providing a safe and secure place to plant their feet. American manufactured goods reach that quality.

6 step rolling ladders like this particular model are well suited for a variety of tasks. From pulling stock in the warehouse to placing it high above store shelves, the measurements of a 6 step rolling ladder add up to a great option when versatility is needed.

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